Significance of Bulletproof Whiteboards
Why Bulletproof Whiteboards in Schools Should Be Made Compulsory? Each day 8 children die from gun violence in the USA alone! Shocking isn’t it? Such episodes of gun violence in schools have made the safety of children a priority. Bulletproof whiteboards offer traditional versatility of teacher instrument with a guarantee that it will absorb ammunition from handguns, shotguns, or assault rifle at point-blank range. The thought of school gun violence is horrifying not only for parents, teachers but for the society as well. We do not want either promote violence but to be prepared for the worst makes everyone stronger and fearless and gives empowerment to roam with freedom. In the USA (United States of America) more than 20 schools in each state have bulletproof whiteboards installed for safety purposes. With bulletproof whiteboards , parents should use bulletproof vests for extra safety. Gun violence can happen anytime; terror does not have a face or an identity. Acco